2020 Business Challenge Gallery

Photos By: She Photography’s Suzette hibble (more images for purchase)

& Jazmine Turner Photography’s Mindy J Turner

Click on Image for Garment Slideshow

Giant Loop Moto-A-Go-Go!

Designers: Michelle Handford Model: Jen Rule

Materials: reclaimed scraps from their motorcycle saddlebag and tank bag production

Ida’s Cupcakes Cocoa Chanel

Designer: Ida’s Cupcakes Team Model: Jade Rainer

Materials: retired baking apron, outdated cupcake toppers, and packaging materials

Lonza “Lab Coat Makeover”

Designers: Kari D’Angona, Arlene Fife, Hannah Sullivan, Melany Fry, & Cindy Hoang  

Models: Melany Fry, Abhishek Thakar, Cindy Long

Materials: trashed lab coats, banner,pop can tabs, used copper tubing, blue plastic bags

Salud Raw Food Rainbow to Raw

Designers: Caroline Parker, Corrine O’shea   Model: Gwen O’Shea

Materials: Produce tags

Penny LashPenny Trash

Designer: Panambi Elliott   Model: Leah Nagel

Materials: obsolete lash trays, packaging, business cards, promo materials from rebranding. Worn tweezers and outdated menus. All the trash represents the tuning and growth of brands image.

Hydro Flask Chroma Quest Auction Item!

Designers: Hydro Flask Team Model: Kristen Lauer

Materials: silicone chips from the color development process, packing materials, upcycled hydration packs.

ReStore The Electric Houseman Auction Item!

Designers: Marianne Fellner, Kristi Teasdale, Susan Galecki, & Sherry Jako

Model: Austin Parker

Materials: upholstery leather

Organic Transfusion In Between Times and Spaces! Auction Item!

Designers: Tiina McDermott & Zoey Lane   Model: Kendra DeYoung

Materials: Motocross inner tubes & paint

And the winner of the Coveted Trash Trophy is:

Penny Lash with “Penny Trash