2020 Adult Runway Gallery

2020 Adult Designers on the Runway

Photos By: She Photography’s Suzette hibble (More images for PUrchase)

& Jazmine Turner Photography’s Mindy J Turner

Click on Image for Garment Slideshow

Community Garment

Designers: Bend Community   Model: Realms Middle School Teacher todd LaFrenz

Materials: Plastic 6-pack can carriers

Bobbing Bottles

Designer: Shelly Wagner   Model: Alyssa Crawford

Materials: Plastic bags, Plastic lids, Paper labels


Designers: Denise Oldridge    Model: Kathryn Cowsert

Materials: Keurig Coffee Pods, bathing suit, material used to wrap new furniture.

Prime Time Wear

Designer: Angie Dragoo & Kai Comfort   Model: Elizabeth Wright

Materials: Blue Painters Tarp, Blue & White Amazon Prime mailing bags, Manila Amazon mailing bags, Bubble Wrap, Large packaging bubbles

Dutch Bros Couture

Designer: Ashley Alnwick   Model: Adrienne Fournier

Materials: Paper cups, Plastic lids,  Straws

April Showers

Designer: Patty Baragona   Model: Kristi Teasdale

Materials: Poncho – glass bottle droppers, chandelier crystals. Skirt floor underlayment Keurig coffee k-cups and misc. items


Designer: Carolyn Parker   Model: Carolyn Parker

Materials: Refashioned clothing, repurposed leather, metal / brass, old, clock parts found at local Bend thrift stores and garage sales

Puuurrrty in Paws

Designer: Jonika McMillan   Model: Jonika McMillan

Materials: inside out dog and cat food bags, cd, shoe lace

Jeans & Tunic

Designer: Carla Holm   Model: Karin Roy

Materials: Worn out black jeans

Tetra Plectra

Designer/Model: Sherry Jako

Materials: Almond milk and soup tetra pack containers, clam shell containers

Morpheus Unbound  Auction Item!

Designer: Meg Knight   Model: Annie Moseley

Materials: air mattress

Any Way the Wind Blows

Designers: Karen Holm   Model: Jess Lawro

Materials: Old, retired C-Lark Sail

Cuba Libre

Designer: Kelly Powell   Model: DeeDee Johnson

Materials: plastic bottle beads, recycled ribbon, netting

Royal Tee Time   Auction Item!

Designer: Karen Holm   Model: Val Winterholler

Materials: Crown Royal Bags, onion mesh bags, golf tees, sail scraps

Knitted Cloak of the Tooth Fairy   Auction Item!

Designer: Carla Holm  Model: Jenna App

Materials: Strips of worn-out cotton jersey bed sheets

Buzz Kill

Designers: DeeDee Johnson   Model: Catalina Frank

Materials: Weed barrier plastic liner, used coffee bags and repurposed thrift store skirt

In Full Bloom   Auction Item!

Designer: DeeDee Johnson   Model: Anna Rohrer

Materials: fabric scraps, old scarves, scrap floral pieces, elk hide scraps, a dress slip, and misc. craft junk drawer

Pieces of We   Auction Item!

Designer: Simone Kujak   Model: Phoebe Schaab

Materials: Small salvaged and saved scraps of Pendleton wool and organic cotton from clothing line. Past literary devise analysis posters from 8th graders.

Catch My Fall

Designer: Janna Ekstrom   Model: Janna Ekstrom

Materials: Vintage WWII 12’ silk parachute – Packaging from: Copaxone medication, syringes promotional materials, bubble wrap, shipping inserts, pamphlets, receipts, old bra, black plastic Bundt cake tray

e’nigme (it’s the French word for puzzle)   Auction Item!

Designer: Beth Bolander   Model: Tina Schaefer

Materials: Approx 8000 puzzle pieces derelict puzzles, spray paint, and a recycled prom dress